Wednesday 28 September 2011

Rubic's Cube!

Today's homework, animate rubic's cube in after effects, render it in 3D. Challenge: Rotate the layers X, Y and Z, one each. Took me 2 hours of thinking and 4 hours of work.

                                             Success! Enjoy.

Monday 26 September 2011


 Alright so the homework due tomorrow, well actually, today is to make a little video in After Effects with balls bouncing. Pretty fun actually, problem was, I had some serious trouble getting a hold of Adobe after effects... Thereby I had to sit up to.. what time is it.. 2a.m. just to finish it. 4 hours sleep and back to school :)

                                          End result! Enjoy.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

More presentations!

  Yet again we're supposed to make a simple presentation, this time about something we're into, something we like, you get the idea. So I dicided to talk about black holes, they have always facinated me :)

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Déjà vu

More or less got the same homework as yesterday but this time, make 2-3 slides about a piece of technology. Found this pretty sweet advice called "Light touch projector" that projects a 10 inch screen on any surface and makes it into a touch-screen. Wi-fi and all so you can facebook :)

                             These are my slides for tomorrow :)

Now I'm off to bed! G-night!

Sunday 18 September 2011

New week!

Alright new week! Awesome! Monday starting of with some photograf history. Also homework due tomorrow is to create 2-3 slides on our favorite photografer. If we didn't have one, well, find one ;D

So I found this one guy "Mark Velasquez", who takes some pretty weird and random pictures. I find them humorous however ;D

              These are my slides, will present them tomorrow in class :)

Also we're to bring in an object of some sort to photograf tomorrow. I'll bring my 2 favorite armlets! :D

Weekend homework

So the reason I haven't written anything the last couple days is because I've been working on my weekend homework :)

                                       It ended up like this ;D

Tomorrow starts a new week of MDS adventure! Next week we'll focus on photo, excited! :D

Thursday 15 September 2011

Back to kinder garden, kinda

Sooo I made it back to the blogg all ready to update you guys :)

So today we went back to kinder garden style though a little more advanced, coloring!
The homework was to color an object and make some nice shadow work on it.


So this is how mine ended up :)

Also I've stumbled upon some pretty sweet things today, you should try too!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Start Bloggin'!

So I've decided to start blogging, more like a dairy of what I'm doing at my school MDS though.
We're creating new things every day so I figured I can show off here ;D

This is the Picture I made yesterday ;D It's not really finished though, still have to fix the hair and the shirt >.<

This is the work of today, we were supposed to replicate a landscape :D So far I feel proud of my work, and that is the most important thing says Aleks (Teacher) :)

So I'm a bad blogger but I'll try to keep this one updated, show you guys my work of the day every day :D